List of products and manufacturers

The following list contains more than 1,500 terms under which you can register your company in the IDS-JOURNAL in the „Product and Manufacturer Directory“ section for a fee (at a price of € 25 per term addition plus VAT ).

The company-specific terms / product names from the IDS-JOURNAL 2021 are not included. Therefore, please add them individually at the end of the list.

Also at the end of the list you can enter general search terms which should be completed for your company.

Please note that the list is not sorted by indication groups, but alphabetically. You should therefore check the list progressively from A to Z to ensure that you have ticked all the terms relevant to your company.

Term taken from…
If terms are to be taken over from previous years, the invoice total will only be transmitted with the order confirmation. The sum shown here is added.
IDS Journal terms

all prices plus VAT

customer data

the name of your company
Contact person / customer
Customer E-mail address
with country code if applicable
Address *
Address (street, no P.O. Box)
Address (extras)
Zip code


Exhibitor - Hall
Exhibitor - Aisle
Exhibitor - Booth

all prices plus VAT

[Note: General Terms and Conditions apply; all prices plus VAT]